Thursday, January 26, 2012

The year to end all years?

2012...the year to end all years. The Mayan calendar says so! There is a great comic strip I saw recently where a Mayan stone worker is chiseling away on a wall, that represented the Mayan calendar. He yells up to his supervisior (who is drinking a cup of coffee) that he ran out of space on the wall. "What year did you get to?" 2012 was the answer. The supervisior turns to a co-worker next to him and shares a laugh: "That is really going to freak some people out in the future."

A couple of weeks ago, we talked a little about the future of our church (hopefully we didn't freak anyone out!). When we first started Valley, we set out some goals for the year 2020 (even despite the Mayan predictions). We tried to avoid some obvious measurables like attendance or budget or buildings. We instead focused on IMPACT for the Kingdom. Our goals targeted community impact, developing leaders, and spiritual growth. At the 2 1/2 year mark we have made some progress. I used the illustration a few weeks ago of building a house brick by brick. I believe we are still working on the foundation...maybe a few load-bearing walls are being framed out.

In other words, I am under the working assumption that 2012 isn't the end...but just the beginning! We have just started our new adult SS class. In the coming weeks, you will hear more about opportunities in the community that we are looking at. We still can't neglect other bricks already in place. Worship...small groups...children & youth ministries...even just the culture of acceptance and friendliness. We recognize none of them are close to where we want them to be. As we grow, please pray that we will not ignore building a solid administrative infrastructure (not exactly my strength).

All of these things I have mentioned are means to our ultimate end - to FOLLOW CHRIST TOGETHER. We want to create an environment in our church that no matter where you are on your spiritual journey, there is a place for you. A place to worship and fellowship and learn and and grow...and find people who care about you.

I am so excited to see where Valley is when 2013 rolls around...if we all make it there!

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