Tuesday, February 23, 2010

"On the Cutting Room Floor"

Every so often, when I preach, I leave a lot of things I want to say "on the cutting room floor." So, when that happens, I want to give you a little extra on the topic.

Last Sunday we discussed "just the two of us?" - covering Ephesians 5:31-32. Not only did I cut a section out of the sermon, I also got behind in delivering it on Sunday and cut another chunk out of my text!! Sorry! Sometimes, it just happens.

The point I wanted to make was in regard to what it means to be the Bride of Christ. The idea that we are Christ's spouse. So, everything Paul writes in this section of Ephesians should not be first applied to marriage but first applied to our relationship with Christ. So, the subpoint of my sermon that was cut short was entitled "Christ's Bride"...here are some highlights...

First...as believers, we must apply the concept "leave and cleave" to our relationship with Christ. He has called us to be His BRIDE. He is going to love us with the covenant love that Paul describes in detail in Ephesians 5:25ff. So, how do we respond? We are to submit, respect, love, honor, and cherish Him in return. We must "leave" our love of other idols we may have and "cleave" only to Him.

What enables us to do this? Well, only the grace of God...and we must recognize that this grace is special. It is only given to His bride. Jesus is in love with His Church. He loves us in a way that we don't pay attention to enough. He loves us, like, well, how a husband should love his wife!

From John Piper: One of the great theological and experiential tragedies in the church today—and one of the great sources of weakness in the church—is that Christians have learned to enjoy a love from God that is no more peculiar and precious and securing and endearing and distinguishing than the general love that God has for all the world, even those who perish in unbelief. For 200 years the church in America has slipped farther and farther away from the glorious truth that the wife of the Son of God is loved with an electing, regenerating, distinguishing, covenant love that is different from God's love for the world that is not his wife.

In other words, just like my own love for my wife is superior to any love I have for anyone or anything else in this world...our Groom loves us in the same way.

"And the two shall become one flesh..."

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Love, Marriage, and Relationships

So, we talked on Sunday about the definition of love. I asked everyone to think for 10 seconds about their understanding of love. Let's start a discussion on what you thought during those 10 seconds.

Also, I would love to interact on the idea of Christ both defining love and being its best expression.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Lord's "prayer" is just the beginning

For what purpose were we put here on earth? Why does mankind exist? Well, if you are a Christ follower, then the answers to these questions must be specific and pointed. We are here to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. How then, does the Lord's Prayer help us fulfill this grand purpose? First, we need to consider that the Lord's "prayer" is much more than just a guide on how to pray. The Lord's "prayer" is a guide on how to live.

Last week I was able to get away from day to day life and here a presentation by Dr. Steve Childers on the Lord's Prayer. Actually, it was my second time to hear this presentation. I am convinced that Childers is on to something. The prayer begins... "Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven..."

The way Jesus starts this prayer obviously should orient our prayer life. We worship/hallow God's name. We pray for the coming of the kingdom and that God's will would be done here on earth. It is a prayer for redemption! This is a great way to pray. It is a worthy endeavor to center your prayer life around the Lord's Prayer.

But, we shouldn't limit this to only our prayer life. That is only the beginning. Think of it this way: what good is prayer unless it transforms your life? Thy WILL goes much further than prayer. If the mission of life is to glorify and enjoy God, then my LIFE needs to be in concert with God's will. We pray that we would be delivered from temptation. We pray for forgiveness to to reign among us. We pray for our daily bread. All of these things are prayers that support a LIFE that is built on glorifying God. "Lord, keep evil away so that Your name will be hallowed in my life." "Lord, I trust You to provide for my needs while I seek first your kingdom." "Father, give me the strength to forgive and restore broken relationships, knowing that is Your will."

I ask you to consider two things...first, use the Lord's Prayer as a devotional guide for a month. Elaborate on each statement for worship, against temptation, for forgiveness, for confession, and to cast your daily needs upon God. Second, LIVE the prayer. Watch God transform your life through prayer.